Autism Spectrum Disorder, also known as ASD, refers to a range of conditions characterized by a person’s challenges with speech, social skills, repetitive behaviors and nonverbal communication. Despite the long list of conditions, they will vary from person to person, because each individual is different.

Autism 101: What Causes Autism?

There are several factors that influence the development of Autism, but there is no singular cause. Rumors suggest that the causes of Autism could be related to diet, infections, or vaccines; however, this has not been proven.

The truth is, some genetic mutations may be inherited, while others simply occur naturally. Researchers are currently exploring the possibility that factors such as viral infections, medications, pregnancy complications or even air pollutants play a role in the cause of Autism.

Autism 101:  Signs of Autism To Look Out For

  • Do they prefer being alone?
  • Avoid eye contact?
  • Don’t respond to their name by age 1?
  • Lack response and understanding to people’s emotions?
  • Have a lack of facial expressions?
  • Have challenges in making or maintaining friendships?

If your answer is yes to any of these, your child may have Autism. Of course, it’s wise to get an expert opinion on the matter. 


Autism 101: What Does Autism Look Like?

The presentation of ASD will more than likely differ between people in both characteristics and severity. 

Some common characteristics of Autism include:

  • Communication and interaction difficulties;
  • Difficulties in understanding people’s emotions;
  • Challenges in expressing and identifying their emotions;
  • Sensory sensitivity (covering their eyes from bright lights and their ears from loud noises, etc) 
  • Becoming triggered by  changes in routine or unfamiliar situations;
  • Repetitive behaviors;
  • Taking a lot of time to process information.

Autism 101: If Your Child Does Have Autism, What Does It Mean For Them?

Well, your child is going to need some professional help, and the gold standard treatment for people with Autism is ABA Therapy, which will:

  • Increase their language and communication skills
  • Improve their attention, focus, social skills, memory, and academics 
  • Decrease problem behaviors

You can visit to find out more about ABA Therapy and how it can benefit your child with autism.

About Taskids California

As the leading ABA provider in four California counties, we provide individualized treatment plans using a spectrum of scientifically validated therapies. We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor each treatment plan to the individual needs of our patients. We help children and adolescents with Autism and other Developmental Delays reach their goals. 

Contact Us to start ABA therapy services